About Dimensions Care

Dimensions Care

Model of Care

At Dimensions Care, our goal is to create a positive and nurturing environment where children can thrive. We’re dedicated to providing the highest standards of care for children in our custody

We’ve aligned our practices with the DDP (Dyadic Developmental Practice) model, which guides our daily interactions with the young people under our care. Collaborating with DDP consultants, we ensure our team receives the necessary training and resources to integrate this model seamlessly into their work.

DDP offers valuable support for children who have faced trauma, focusing on building strong relationships. Through principles like PACE – Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, and Empathy – we help our staff provide the nurturing environment these children need to heal. Additionally, we offer tailored therapeutic interventions as needed.

Our approach emphasises positive parenting, combining structure, routine, and love to address underlying emotions rather than just behaviours. We believe that with proper support, children can overcome their early traumas and grow into successful adults.

This model also prioritises the well-being of our staff, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to thrive in their roles. By fostering a culture of self-care and reflection, we empower our team to provide the best possible care.

While residential care poses its challenges, particularly with traumatised children, we believe that by understanding each child’s unique needs, we can help them achieve remarkable breakthroughs and moments of joy.

Purpose & Values

To create the most forward-thinking care approach, we develop attachments with our children and ensure that it is embedded in our serving community.

Wow Moments

We always aim to see the children smile, create experiences they've never had before, recognise and reward them for who they are, and acknowledge specific achievements or important dates to them.

Kids Testimonials

The views, thoughts, and opinions of our children are really important to us. We regularly ask them about their experiences and what they like about their homes.


We believe that leadership is integral to how an organisation functions and the impact it can have on company culture.